Just How Important Is Print Media for Advertising?

by | Jul 27, 2022

Print advertising is a form of marketing that utilises printed, tangible material to reach as much of an audience as possible. Link Directories, for example, use a 44-page printed directory to advertise your business to over 16,000 homes during a 2-month period. Print advertising tends to have a stronger emotional connection with potential readers when compared to online advertising. It can provide readers with a strong opportunity to ponder your message and product in a manner that other forms of media don’t. Below we outline the reasons why print media is so important for advertising!

More memorable

Because readers face less distractions with printed media, this form of advertising can often be more memorable. Readers will face many distractions from online forms of media, such as links, calls to action, advertisements and other things that are all vying for your attention. Studies have shown that while digital material is rapidly scanned, reading that is paper based is slower and more deliberate, and people tend to consume the information in a way that results in greater memory and comprehension.

Higher conversion rate

It’s a fact that print advertising results in a higher conversion rate, with studies showing that nearly 80% of potential customers would want to reply to direct mail advertising, while less than 50% would respond to e-mail advertising. This higher conversion rate therefore directly results in an increase in potential sales for your business.

Establishing your brand

Marketers have understood the value of truly establishing a very strong brand, and printed media is a good method to go about doing it. It will enable you to include the visual aspects of colour, texture, typeface, and picture, all of which will contribute to strong brand identification.

Targeting your audience

The placement and design of your business’ advertising in newspapers, magazines, and periodicals can assist you in reaching your intended target audience, whether they be members of the wider general public or a more specialised market. By using relevant demographic data, you can effectively position your brand in front of an appropriate audience.

Newsletters, periodicals, and newspapers all include certain material that is only read by a specific audience interested in a specific subject. As a result of this, your printed advertising will inevitably reach those people who are more curious about your product or business. Print advertising in this way has the added benefit of targeting those readers based on their area, shared interests, and other criteria.


When compared to brief messages that are broadcast on radio or television, printed advertising can be very insightful. It can enable small businesses to communicate all the characteristics and benefits of their product in a single advertisement that occupies a tiny area of a magazine or newspaper.

Positional adaptation

Printed media helpfully allows you to truly specify the exact location of a particular advertisement. Additionally, print also allows you to take advantage of fractional sizes, regional editions, and a variety of additional creative choices that relate to positioning. This could potentially be a fantastic way for you to promote your brand to a wider audience.

Link Directories are Gloucester’s leading local independent directory, linking local businesses with the local community. We publish 3 local directories – Abbey-Link, Hucclecote Link and Tuffley Link – and distribute to 16,000 homes over a 2-month period.  If you would like more information about how we can help you advertise your local business to your target market, take a look at our website www.thelinkdirectories.co.uk or give us a call on 01452 621496 – we’d be happy to help!